This makes sense as CDS kills parasites, of which numerous studies, case studies and antidotes point to cancer simply being parasite infestations. If we take supplements, we are feeding the “cancer”.

Now it’s figuring out which supplements stay or get the boot. I’m in that conundrum as I dose CDS internally and do not want to decrease it’s efficacy.

My thoughts are keep the fat soluble ones: CoQ10, omega 3, vitamin D, vitamin K2 for heart health and move calcium from the arteries to the bones.

Keep pregnalolone, progesterone, estradiol ( for those of us in menopause, , external bioidentical creams USP for progesterone and estidiol). I feel a difference when I skip those!! Maybe keep vitamin E as it’s synergistic with progesterone. Boron good as it supports hormones.

Potassium, magnesium and sodium a must have.

But I’m trying to figure out where to take my potassium, while taking CDS internally. I don’t want to reduce CDS efficacy, but I also do not want to do potassium loading only twice a day. Not good for the heart.

Collagen powder a stay. Selenium with iodine a keeper.

D ribose, not sure. That one is hard too, because I like it in my coffee, however, as an antioxidant it could potentially reduce the efficacy of CDS.

NAC not sure to keep it helps nervous system yet unsure if CDS does this better.

My assumption is yes CDS is better with the results on autism.

Taurine for BP. Not sure to keep or drop.

Vitamin C , although required with iodine, I’m kicking it to the curb.

I mean, could you imagine if we knew which supplements went were completely unnecessary when you take CDS internally?

The supplement market would collapse. Which may not be a bad thing because a lot of supplements have toxic ingredients, which really are just a byproduct of manufacturing processes. I firmly believe that a lot of corporations just sell their toxic manufacturing byproducts to the supplement industry just to make a profit.

And then a lot of us would save a lot of money and a lot of time. I think I’m popping an upwards of 30 different supplements a day and I’ve just about had it.

Especially with trying to figure out the timing of my CDS. I would take four doses in the morning, take a three hour break to take supplements and binders, then take 3 to 4 doses in the afternoon. But I want to take it 10 times a day. So I need to reconfigure and drop a few things

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My assumption is yes CDS is better with the results on autism.


You're right, I have a post specifically discussing this.

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Good reasoning for a solid protocol. Try glycine in your coffee, and indeed several times a day. It is slightly sweet .

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Thank you for the recommendation! Do you know if that would interrupt with CDS or fasting?

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Doesnt seem to. I intermittent fast every day trying to hit that 17hr mark for ketones and stem cells, put glycine in either coffee, hot lemon water, hot fresh ginger water, turmeric/ginger/cinnamon or a variety of teas whatever my fancy. it took some weeks to notice benefits but now you would have to arm wrestle me to get my bulk supp bag away from me

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And I appreciate the intrepid nature of your continuing posts, for we all know the nature of governing agencies which likely control journals and "authoritative" reviewers of new ideas...

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