For whatever it is worth to you, you are painting a target on yourself using words like “cure” before you have successfully completed clinical trials that clearly establish the efficacy and side effects of your approach. Even words like “therapy” and “treatment” can get you into big trouble. That is a fact.
It’s unfortunate that there is great resistance to unconventional methods that might be of great benefit to many people, but the flip side is that there have been many alleged “cures” sold to desperate people whose discernment was overshadowed by their desire to survive, and they lost their lives in the process.
I’m not making any judgment on the efficacy or safety of your approach. I’m cautioning you to recognize that you’re facing more than justified skepticism. There are people who are less than open-minded who will aggressively use the state to harass you for claiming that you have a cure.
Proving that your method works is difficult enough; overcoming the resistance to innovation can be much more difficult, complicated, and challenging. Just saying. 🙏
I have a different perspective. My conclusion is based on my preliminary clinical data and my experience. I don’t think there’s anything inappropriate about my claim of curing cancer. When it comes to general diseases, including autoimmune diseases, I actually have treatment methods as well, but I haven’t made public declarations about curing them. The reason I declare a cure for cancer is that cancer is considered an incurable disease, and no one has a definitive cure—cancer is life-threatening. By claiming to cure cancer, I can quickly save some late-stage cancer patients who believe in my method. Since no cure exists, doctors and researchers who oppose or criticize me lack confidence in their objections or attacks.
I will expedite moving this therapy into the new drug application process and initiate clinical trials as soon as possible.
Try & connect with Dr. Lee Merritt & her colleagues. She has a huge following & many, many, contacts & advocates for Chlorine dioxide in a big way. Let everyone know how you go & all the best.👍🦘🇦🇺
in your video with the title "Xuewu Liu Self Experiment Chlorine Dioxide Under Eye Fat Ablation" can you make a post here on substack, and show the results today? When did you inject, and before and after photos? Thank you
These videos were filmed 10 years ago and no longer hold any significance. Apart from showcasing my personal usage process and some level of safety, they serve no other purpose.
on your youtube wideo, where you inject the chlorine dioxide into your abdominal fat, there is a third solution you added. The first two were sodium chlorite and an acid (which one?). After that, you added how much of the 3rd solution (what is it?)?
You have observed very carefully; these videos were filmed about 10 years ago. Some of them involve a mixture of sodium chlorite and citric acid, while others use a 1.5% chlorine dioxide solution. These videos are not standardized and do not represent the correct protocol; they merely demonstrate safety testing.
For whatever it is worth to you, you are painting a target on yourself using words like “cure” before you have successfully completed clinical trials that clearly establish the efficacy and side effects of your approach. Even words like “therapy” and “treatment” can get you into big trouble. That is a fact.
It’s unfortunate that there is great resistance to unconventional methods that might be of great benefit to many people, but the flip side is that there have been many alleged “cures” sold to desperate people whose discernment was overshadowed by their desire to survive, and they lost their lives in the process.
I’m not making any judgment on the efficacy or safety of your approach. I’m cautioning you to recognize that you’re facing more than justified skepticism. There are people who are less than open-minded who will aggressively use the state to harass you for claiming that you have a cure.
Proving that your method works is difficult enough; overcoming the resistance to innovation can be much more difficult, complicated, and challenging. Just saying. 🙏
I have a different perspective. My conclusion is based on my preliminary clinical data and my experience. I don’t think there’s anything inappropriate about my claim of curing cancer. When it comes to general diseases, including autoimmune diseases, I actually have treatment methods as well, but I haven’t made public declarations about curing them. The reason I declare a cure for cancer is that cancer is considered an incurable disease, and no one has a definitive cure—cancer is life-threatening. By claiming to cure cancer, I can quickly save some late-stage cancer patients who believe in my method. Since no cure exists, doctors and researchers who oppose or criticize me lack confidence in their objections or attacks.
I will expedite moving this therapy into the new drug application process and initiate clinical trials as soon as possible.
Well, good luck. I hope I’m mistaken, especially if you really have a cure that will keep people alive, and restore their health.
Try & connect with Dr. Lee Merritt & her colleagues. She has a huge following & many, many, contacts & advocates for Chlorine dioxide in a big way. Let everyone know how you go & all the best.👍🦘🇦🇺
Thank you. Wishing you continued success. I've added this to a curation of more than 200 testimonials on cancer recovery successes here:
If/when more research and verifiable successes are reported, please let me know.
Ok, I suggest that you dedicate a specific subtopic to chlorine dioxide.
in your video with the title "Xuewu Liu Self Experiment Chlorine Dioxide Under Eye Fat Ablation" can you make a post here on substack, and show the results today? When did you inject, and before and after photos? Thank you
These videos were filmed 10 years ago and no longer hold any significance. Apart from showcasing my personal usage process and some level of safety, they serve no other purpose.
on your youtube wideo, where you inject the chlorine dioxide into your abdominal fat, there is a third solution you added. The first two were sodium chlorite and an acid (which one?). After that, you added how much of the 3rd solution (what is it?)?
You have observed very carefully; these videos were filmed about 10 years ago. Some of them involve a mixture of sodium chlorite and citric acid, while others use a 1.5% chlorine dioxide solution. These videos are not standardized and do not represent the correct protocol; they merely demonstrate safety testing.