If taken orally by a human with an autoimmune disease (bring treated by an opthalmologist and rheumatologist (and drugs): how many drops, and what is the recommended activator? (I've used it in the past. Activated with citric acid.)

I have it in stock for many years. In a dark blue bottle. Wondering whether it has significantly degraded too...

Thank you for your time, and your knowledge.

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If you have a systemic autoimmune disease, I recommend starting with oral MMS, beginning with 3 drops and gradually increasing until you feel it's a bit much. If your autoimmune disease is localized, you can deliver the chlorine dioxide solution directly to the affected area; for instance, with autoimmune skin conditions, you can apply the chlorine dioxide solution directly. For arthritis, you may need to consider injections. I assume you’ve purchased sodium chlorite and citric acid solution, so its shelf life should be quite long.

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